Here you have the best patterns for agujas. In addition to patterns for dos agujas, you can find another type of patterns like tricot with easy charts. We show you how to make soywoolly patterns with simple indications.
by Costurea
jersey, bebe, dos agujas, tricot, costurea
by Hamoraima
estuche, neceser, crochet, agujas, hamoraima
saco, bebe, dos agujas, tricot, costurea
by Dycas
gorro, zorro, dycas, dos agujas
by Knit and Pepper
chal, cuello, agujas, punto, knitandpepper
pamela, sombrero, verano, agujas, punto, tricot, ropa, knitandpepper
by Reves Derecho
gorro, bicolor, revesderecho, dos agujas, tricot
polainas, revesderecho, dos agujas, tricot
by La Maison Bisoux
cuello, dos agujas, intermedio
by Ameskeria
bufanda, fácil, principiante, dos agujas
by Cannnela
cannnela, turbante, dos agujas
by Soy Woolly
bolso, clucth, soywoolly
capucha, capota, soywoolly
by Gancho y Agujas
pajaro, pajarito, ganchoyagujas
by Oh! Mother Mine
corazon, ohmothermine, dos agujas, tricot, aumentos
turbante, reves derecho, dos agujas
cuello, soywoolly
gorro, soywoolly
pechera, bebe, dos agujas, reves derecho
by Gallimelmas
bote, deco, hogar, guardaagujas, crochet, gallimelmas
bufanda, principiante, dos agujas
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