Here you have the best patterns for punto de red. In addition to patterns for ganchillo, you can find another type of patterns like crochet with easy charts. We show you how to make costurea patterns with simple indications.
by Enemy Dolls
orejas, gato, crochet, enemydolls
by Happy ganchillo
arbol, navidad, happy ganchillo
cesta, trapillo, happy ganchillo
by Costurea
cuello, ganchillo, crochet, menorca, costurea
cuello, ganchillo, crochet, ibiza, costurea
camison, zaragoza, crochet, ganchillo, costurea
cojín, merida, crochet, ganchillo, costurea
manta, ganchillo, crochet, teruel, costurea
cuello, ganchillo, malaga, costurea
gorros, ganchillo, crochet, boston, costurea
zapatillas, ganchillo, atenas, costurea
manta, ganchillo, crochet, munich, costurea
by Espacio Crochet
cuello, crochet, espacio crochet, ganchillo
frutero, trapillo, espacio crochet
manta, ochos, crochet, espacio crochet
cesto, trapillo, espacio crochet
by Iknitts
pajaritos, colores, amigurumi, iknitts
by AKARImc
sujetador, bikini, akarimc
by Bichus
flor, bichus
by Helena Sweet Knits
patucos, bebe, helenasweetknits
by Mis Obsesiones de Hoy
banderines, guirnalda, misobsesionesdehoy
by Armygurumi
flamenca, tele, amigurumi, armygurumi
by CalocaCrochet
pendientes, calocacrochet
by Madame Coquine
huevos, pascua, madamecoquine
by Daxa Rabalea
movil, esferas, daxarabalea
grafico, flor, daxarabalea
by Noagurumis
posavasos, posa vasos, sandia, noagurumis
bola, dragón, songoku, noagurumis
by Aritogores
conejo, huevo, pascua, aritogores
by Yo Tejo, Nosotras Tejemos
cuello, gasa, yotejonosotrastejemos
by La Ventana Azul
alfombra, trapillo, laventanaazul
by Gancho y Agujas
pajaro, pajarito, ganchoyagujas
by El Duende De Los Hilos
pajarita, lazo, elduendedeloshilos
by Oyundostum
muñeca, navidad, adorno, oyundostum
by Lola Y Lana
duende, navidad, lolaylana
by Lady Crochet
estrella, navidad, arbol, ladycrochet
by Lanas Maranta
camiseta, ganchillo, verano, tops, lanasmaranta
anturio, flor, planta, lanasmaranta
tulipan, flor, planta, lanasmaranta
rosa, flor, planta, lanasmaranta
by Xuabe Xuabe
rosa, flor, xuabexuabe
by Mis Pequicosas
gorra, gorro, marinero, capitan, mispequicosas
In donpatron you can search knitting pattern for your projects. Crochet, amigurumi, granny squares and all kind of wear.