donpatron presents you with this pattern made by Creativa Atelier with which you will learn to do a Abrigo de punto de bebé step by step, in an easy and simple way.
This is a tutorial to make a lovely pattern of chaqueta to sew with clear and detailed explanations and also accompanied by various photos that will guide you during the creation of your work.
If you like cardigan, we encourage you to not hesitate and make it since it is designed so that it can be done by both a beginner and the most advanced of the students.
But if this was not the pattern you were looking for, don't worry, we are sure that you will find it at donpatron. You just have to keep surfing our website.
We have no doubt that you will manage to create a project equal even better than the original one. Cheer up!
More patterns by Creativa Atelier
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Hola Creativas, cómo os he ido adelantando por las redes sociales, hoy os voy a mostrar un tutorial paso a paso para tejer un abrigo de punto con capucha de pelito con patrón gratis incluido. ¡No os podéis ni imaginar las ganas que tenía de publicarlo! y ahora que parece que ha llegado del todo el frío, creo que es una opción perfecta para llevar a los peques elegantes, abrigaditos y a un precio más que razonable, teniendo en cuenta el precio que pueden llegar a alcanzar este tipo de prendas en cualquier tienda. Los materiales que vais a necesitar para tejer este abrigo de punto en la talla 24-36 meses son: