Here you have the best patterns for san jordi. In addition to patterns for amigurumi, you can find another type of patterns like crochet with easy charts. We show you how to make santo patterns with simple indications.
atrapasue帽os, valentin, tapiz, pared, colgante, crochet, ganchillo, amigurumilacion
amigurumi, mu帽eco, santo, fermin, pamplona, patron, crochet, ganchillo, chachipirumis
by Juliefruuu
santo, amigurumi, angel, arcangel, religion, cristiano, juliefruuu
by Susimiu
alfombra, flores, flor, hojas, deco, casa, hogar, decoracion, ni帽os, habitacion, trapillo, susimiu
by HastaelMonyo
Amigurumi, Bebe, Crochet, Dificultad, Facil, Mu帽ecos, Patron, patron_publico, Peticiones de traducci贸n, slide_publico
by Juliefruuu
padua, maria, crochet, santos, santo, amigurumi, valentin, amor, religion, cristiano, juliefruuu
by Juliefruuu
sanjose, maria, jesus, santo, amigurumi, mu帽equita, judas, virgencita, virgen, religion, cristiano, juliefruuu
bel茅n, navidad, ni帽o jesus, la virgen, san jose, reyes magos, crochet, ganchillo, amigurumi, el hogar de las lanas
by Katia Blog
punto, love, agujas, calcetines, pareja, regalo, novios, boda, amor, valentin, celebracion, katiablog
by Marta Ruso
amor, valentin, funda, fundas, movil, facil, amigurumis, amigurumi, crochet, ganchillo, martaruso